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Jan 23 2025
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Tools to help you build your Pinewood Derby Car . It's as easy as ABC! 

Example of pinewood car

Tip #3

It is important that your Pinewood Derby car run straight. Our Rail Rider tool is one of the easiest ways to adjust your axles for a straight running car.

Tip #8

The gap between the wheel and car body should be between 0.02" and 0.06". Our Feeler Gage, Axle Installer and Wheel Alignment tools can be used to set this gap.

Tip #42

Cutting your Pinewood Derby car can take a long time (and be very frustrating) if you don't have the right tools. For making the big cuts, try to find a friend with a band saw. A coping saw should be your next best choice.

Tip #53

After you cut your car with a saw, use a Wood Rasp to smooth the cut and give your car more shape. Use a metal file to smooth out the grooves created by the rasp.

Pinewood Derby Car Tools

The parts that are included with your Pinewood Derby car kit are far from perfect. The tools on this page will fine tune your wheels and axles for maximum performance and build a fast Pinewood Derby car.

Pro Hub Tool

For use with the Pro Wheel Shaver and Pro Hub Shaver
Hub Tool


The Pro Hub Tool is used with the Pro Wheel Shaver and Pro Hub Shaver.  These tools include the Pro Hub Tool but you can order a replacement Hub Tool here.

Pro Wheel Shaver XT 2

Eliminate Wheel Imperfections
Wheel Shaver

The Pro Wheel Shaver is one of the easiest, most efficient and cost effective ways to create perfectly round wheels from a molded standard wheel. Not all wheels are created equally, but with a Pro Wheel Shaver, they can be made Hi-Performance. The Pro Wheel Shaver can minimize speed loss caused by the following wheel defects:

  1. Out of round wheels cause improper alignment causing your Pinewood Derby car to pull to one side or oscillate. With this tool, you can shave the high spots off until your wheels are completely round.
  2. The inside edge of a most wheels is not straight. The most perfect aligned cars will still touch the center strip a few times on the way down the track. The inside edge of the wheel will determine what happens when contact is made. If the inner edge is not true, it will cause the car to sharply turn in the other direction slowing the car down.

Watch Blade Sharpening Video

How to Use the Pro Wheel Shaver

Pro-Wheel Shaver and Hub Tool

Pro-Wheel Shaver

(Pro-Hub Tool Required)

Shaver Replacement Blade

Replacement Blade

For Pro Wheel Shaver

Pro Hub Shaver

Reduce friction between axle head and wheel
Wheel Hub Shaver

The Pro Hub Shaver is designed to condition the outer wheel hub face that rides under the axle head and remove any defects and burrs. It can also remove the extra step in the new B.S.A. wheel helping to create a faster wheel.

How to Use the Pro Hub Shaver

The Pro Hub Shaver can be ordered with or without the Hub Tool but the Hub Tool is required.

Weight Guide

Drill accurate holes for your weights
Weight Guide
This guide can be used to drill 3/8" holes in the back, side and bottom of your pinewood derby car.

Can be used to drill holes for our Tungsten Cylinders, Steel Cylinders, Adjustable Tungsten Weights and EZ Cut Tungsten Cylinders.

3/8" drill bit not included

How to Use the Weight Guide

Pro Axle Press

Eliminate Axle Imperfections
Axle Press


Is this what your axles look like?
I hope not! But, your axles do have a lot
in common with the above picture.

Most axles are NAILS!!! They are not straight and they are not round and the axle head is not at right angles to the axle shaft. The result is FRICTION and a slow car.

All you need is the Pro Axle Press and a hammer to straighten the shaft of the axle, make the axle round and square the head of the axle to the centerline of the shaft.

The Pro Axle Press can make your car faster by:

  1. Taper the head to reduce friction between the outer hub of the wheel and the axle head.
  2. Reduces wheel vibrations by making axle shaft round.
  3. Makes correct axle alignment easy so your car will run straight down the track.
  4. Can also be used to make a 3-wheel car by slightly bending an axle to raise a front wheel off of the track.
How to Use the Pro Axle Press

Pro Rail Rider Tool

Axle Alignment the easy way
Rail Rider Tool

The Pro Rail Rider is used with the Pro Axle Press to align your car to run straight or to tune it to use the new "Rail Riding" technique for even faster speed. Full instructions included.

How to Use the Pro Rail Rider

Pro Axle Bender

Axle Alignment the easy way
Axle Bender Tool

The Pro Axle Bender is a fully adjustable precision tool designed to bend all Pinewood Derby, Awana, Pine Car and similar axles.   Its unique bending cup design prevents distortion in grooved axles and eliminates any additional grooving at the bend point. Bend angles can be adjusted from 0.5° to 10°.

How to Use the Pro Axle Bender

Pro Body Tool

Make Perfect Axle Holes
Body Tool

The Pro Body Tool is a drilling aid to help create correctly placed axle holes on the body or correct mis-aligned slots in stock blocks when rules require their use.

  • Easily place the axle holes perpendicular to the centerline of the car so your car will go straight down the track.
  • Locate all of the axle holes at the same height on the body so the car sits square on the track.
  • Reduce friction!!! By correctly placing the axles in the body, a builder will not have to bend or tweak the axles to get the car to run straight.
  • Can drill holes for raised wheels.

A hand drill is required. This tool is equipped with guide hole for BSA, PineCar, and other kits requiring a #44 drill bit. A #44 drill bit is included.

How to Use the Pro Body Tool

Pro Body Jig

Accurate axle spacing every time
Pro Body Jig

The Pro Body Jig is an adjustable tool designed to create new axle holes in a Pinewood Derby car block.

  • Adjustable for standard, extended or custom axle spacing.
  • Accurate axle holes every time.
  • Can also be used to drill a raised wheel.
  • #44 drill bit included
A hand drill is needed to use this tool.

How to Use the Pro Body Jig


Pro Body Slotter

Cut perfect axle slots every time
Pro Body Slotter

The Pro Body Slotter and a hack saw are all you need to cut new axle slots in your pinewood derby block.  New axle slots can be cut to replace improperly cut factory slots or extend the wheel base.

A hack saw and an extra hack saw blade are needed to use this tool.

How to Use the Pro Body Slotter

Pro Wheel Mandrel

Polish your wheels the right way
Wheel Mandrel

The Pro Wheel Mandrel can be used to trim and polish your wheels, which will help your car go faster.

  • A centering cone in the screw assembly allows for the best centering of wheels for wheel polishing.
  • A step cut in the body of the tool is used for mounting BSA wheels in reverse for polishing of the inner edge.
  • An easy grip screw does not require tools makes this mandrel easy to use.

A hand drill or lathe is needed to use this tool.

How to Use the Pro Wheel Mandrel

Pro Bore Polisher

Your wheels can be made to spin even better than ever.
Wheel Bore Polisher

The Pro-Bore Polisher will improve the speed of your car by reducing friction between the wheel and axle inside the wheel bore.

  1. Eliminates plastic debris and minimizes flaws inside the wheel bore
  2. Polishes the wheel bore to a high shine.

Includes drill attachment, two pipe cleaners and micron plastic polish.

A hand drill is needed to use this tool.

How to Use the Pro Bore Polisher

Pro Bore Wax

Wax your wheels for more speed
Wheel Bore Polisher

Waxing the wheel bore will reduce friction between the wheel and axle. This is a speed trick that is usually overlooked and, when used with our Pro Bore Polisher, can give your pinewood derby car a significant speed advantage.

Works well with graphite and liquid lubricants.

How to Use the Pro Bore Wax


Wheel Edge Polisher

Wheel Edge Poilisher

Smooth and polish the often overlooked wheel edge for extra speed. Works for BSA, Pinecar, and Awana Wheels.

Includes 4 sandpaper discs
How to Use the Wheel Edge Polisher

Sandpaper Discs

4 extra sandpaper discs for your Wheel Edge Polisher

Axle Polishing Kit

Axle Polishing Kit

Everything you need to polish your axles
Includes instructions

How to Use the Axle Polishing Kit

Axle Installer

Install your axles the right way every time
Axle Guide

This simple tool makes inserting the axles in your car a whole lot easier. It makes sure that the axles are horizontal and that the wheel-to-body gap is correct. For BSA, PineCar, and other kits which use 4 independent axles mounted in slots.

Not for Awana wheels and axles

How to Use the Axle Installer

Axle Guide

Another tool to install your axles
Axle Guide

The Pro Axle Guide is a precision machined aluminum block with a laser cut tab designed to fit in the axle slot of most pinewood derby car bodies. The tab is designed to give the wheels the proper spacing from the body. The block can also be used on the flat side for extended wheel base cars.

How to Use the Pro Axle Guide

Axle Keeper

Keep your axles in alignment race after race
Axle Keeper

Attach these to the bottom of your car to keep your axles in place. Will not interfere with the performance of your car or the track.

How to Use the Axle Keeper

Axle Puller

The easy way to remove axles from your Pinewood Derby car
Pinewood Derby Axle Puller

This tool comes in very handy any time that you need to remove an axle from the car. It pulls on the axle preventing damage to your wheels.

Not for Awana wheels and axles

How to Use the Axle Puller


Axle Pliers

Handy tool for removing axle and adjusting alignment
Axle Pliers

For removing axles from pinewood derby and awana cars. This is also the only tool that can turn a bent axle to adjust the alignment of the car without damaging the axle.

Feeler Gauge

Sets the correct gap between car and wheel
Feeler Gauge


This stainless steel feeler gauge is ideal for setting correct distance between the wheel hub and car.

Wheel Roundness Gauge

Check for wheel roundness
Wheel Roundness Gauge

Your car will run faster if the wheels are round. This gauge checks wheel roundness to within .001". Works on BSA, PineCar and Awana wheels.

Easy to use

How to use the Wheel Gauge

Wide Tip Contact

Wide Tip

A ball contact is included with the Gauge. It works fine but it only measures a narrow part of the wheel tread. This Wide Tip replaces the ball contact and simulates the track surface. It is 3/8" wide so it measures the full width of the wheel and indicates how the wheel will perform on the track. OUT OF STOCK

Wheel Alignment Tool

Make sure your car meets all the specs
Wheel Alignment Tool

Get your car up to spec. Use this tool to:

  • Check Axle Alignment
  • Check Clearance Between Wheel and Body
  • Prevent Wheel Camber
  • Check Toe-in and Toe-out
  • Check Car Length and Width
  • Check Track Clearance

Easy to follow instructions included.

How to Use the Wheel Alignment Tool

3/8" Drill Bit

3/8" Drill Bit

For Barrel Weights and Tungsten Cylinder Weights
1/4" shank.

1 1/8" Forstner Bit

1 1/8" Forstner Bit

For drilling holes for our
Tungsten Disc or for removing wood from the car body.
Fits any 3/8" or larger drill

1 1/8" Forstner Bit

1" Forstner Bit

For drilling holes for our
Tungsten Domed Slotted Disc or for removing wood from the car body.
Fits any 3/8" or larger drill

Forstner Bits
Axle Installer
#44 (.086" diameter)

Axle Drill Bit

This drill bit has a slightly smaller diameter than the official BSA axle and is perfect for drilling new axle holes or for aligning the existing axle slots.

Axle Drill Bits

Wood Rasps

Make building your car easier

Wood Rasps

Rasps are used to shape your Pinewood Derby car block after it has been cut with a saw. Rasps are also great for rounding sharp corners and cutting groves into the wood. Rasps have rough teeth that can quickly remove a lot of wood. After you use a rasp, a file or sandpaper can be used to smooth the block.  More about rasps

Wood Rasp

Sold as a set of two rasps, one is flat and the other is half round.

Axle Files

Axle files are used to remove the burr and crimp marks on axles.

Axle File

This file should be used on an axle that is mounted on a drill and spinning.
Use fine grit sandpaper to polish the axle after it has been filed.

Coping Saw

Coping Saw

Coping Saw

This saw is just the right size to shape your car

Includes one blade
More about coping saws


Coping Saw Replacement Blades


Car Building Supplies

Body Putty for Pinewood Derby Cars

Body Putty

Includes spatula
Ideal for:
  • Filling scratches, cuts, gaps and rasp marks.
  • Adding fins, spoilers, bumps and other features to your car.
  • An all-over smooth finish.
Super Glue

Super Glue

Bonds to almost anything. Sets in seconds.

Ideal for attaching accessories, parts and weights to your car.

Pinewood Derby Car Accessories


Three 4" X 5" sheets

Ideal for sanding your
Pinewood Derby car.

Pinewood Derby Glue


Dries clear
Ideal for:
  • Attaching axles to your car.
  • Repairing chips and cracks on your car.

To place your order:
1. Enter the quantity you would like to order next to each of the above items.
2. Click the "Add to Cart" button below.

Customer Photos

Brad Barnett used our Jet pre-cut car blocks to create a Blue Angles F-18, SR-71 Blackbird and Thunderbirds F-16. The RSX wheels on the Blackbird make it extra fast.
Pinewood derby winner
Shane Hart and his Dad used many of our tools to build his car. He won 1st in the Den and 2nd in the Pack!

George Myers used our Pro tools to help build his Pinewood Derby car. He won first place in 23 heats.


Pinewood Derby Build

We used your hub tool, wheel mandrel and bore polisher when making our pinewood derby car. My son raced in 23 heats and won all 23 of them. His car was the fastest and best looking of the district. Thanks for your Help,....Kurt M
Thanks for the quick delivery. Your tools really made it much easier to get our cars ready. Jim R.
I placed my order online, received your products in just a few days and then scoured your website for tips on how Joshua and I could build a fast car.  You've got it down! Thanks again,
Rob and Joshua
I wanted to email and Thank You for your help and answering all my questions. My son's car won first place in his Den and first place overall in his Pack. He then went on to race in the Council wide race. He won first place in his den level and again first place overall. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks again, Mike
Thank you for the shipment. My son won the fastest pinewood derby car in our hole pack!!! He is delighted.
Thanks... Sykes M
We almost won. We got beat by the family that has won for the last 5 years in a row. They had an average speed of 161.1 and we had 161.0. Thanks for all the great products....Steve C
Thanks again for sending out the stuff so soon. The axle puller works great!! I think there will be more people looking for your wheels after my car beat most of them. Came in second, beat by 0.023 seconds ... I won Best Overall Design though for the open division. Scouts had their own. I used that puller several times for the shuttle of my sons, I kept pushing them in crooked, had to keep trying and it made it so much easier. He also won second, missed it by mere millimeters, beat by the last foot or two, so close...Kevin R
Thank you, My son won first place in speed in our pinewood derby race for the third year in a row. His speed was 2.79 seconds all three years. There was only 1 other car in the race who posted a 2.79 in their first race, but then their times got slower as the races went on. I do believe that the bore polish and axle polish were helpful on the stock wheels, and speed axles I used this year. Thank you, Dean B
Thank you for the axle installer. It worked perfectly and is very ingenious... Roger C
Received my order - everything arrived fine - and nicely packaged by the way! As a retired mechanical engineer, I wanted to compliment you on the workmanship that went into these tools - nice work! Clearly you put a good amount of effort into the little stuff that makes good tooling. Regards, Kelly B
I got the axle bender, it worked great. We got 2 place in den and 3rd in the Pack! Thanks for a great tool!.... Sparky G.
We did the race on Feb 20th. Now I am not handy at all. When I was a child I entered the derby one time. In the first heat the car hit the bottom of the ramp and the wheel came off. That was it. I was done. It was fairly traumatic for a 10 year old boy. Now my son is 7 and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen to him. Outside of the cutting he did all the work with me going back to clean it up or fine tune it. We lasted through the 3rd round. In 6 heats we won twice, finished second twice and third twice. I know our problem was one of the front wheels was sticking depending on if it was against the car or the axle head. We'll do better next year. It was an absolutely GREAT, TERRIFIC father-son experience. We had so much fun.....
Andy B.
The axle bender arrived just in time. My son had the fastest car out of his den, but also the entire pack! This was our first time competing and we left a lot of people scratching their heads! Thank you so much for your efforts. Had I not gotten that axle bender, I know our times would not have been as good. Can't say how much I appreciate it. .... Steve C
Just wanted to say a big thank you for your help!! You saved the day with our pinewood derby science fair project. We will be back on your site later this year when we start prepping for the Cub Scout derby car :) Thanks again!...Jess